Tuesday, December 27, 2011
A Year in Words
Monday, October 10, 2011
Chicago Music Store Tile Restoration Project
Chicago Music Store |
Original Tin Ceiling Tiles |
Corner Column/ Down to the third layer of paint |
While volunteering I was put in charge of restoring the original fire bell which can be found on west side of the building….it’s a beautiful candy apple red! Also, while on the scissor lift next to the Gus Taylor building (not sure if that’s the proper name for it) we discovered that the façade on that building was black glass tiles!!! After some minimal convincing I was allowed to expose one of the tiles. In doing so, I noticed that the sign above the door was made of the same material but was etched with Gus Taylor. Once again…minimal convincing, we were able to get approval from the owner to restore the sign! It’s an amazing sign that was covered with the same nasty red paint as the tiles. Congress is going to kick some downtown ass! Go check it out!
Friends don't let friends paint tile |
Thursday, October 6, 2011
The Match Game: Random Thoughts
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Match Game: Emails
“Hello. How are you? So are you still on the market and looking?”
So I wanted to say hi and see if you were interested in striking up a conversation.”
(WTF?I have no idea what this is about. Wait...you're drunk emailing me? Classy!)
(hummm....you wish you were my man and this is the best you could come up with?)
(WTF? I must have missed the joke)
“you are a godess, You are so awsome your everything iam looking for in a women I would worship you”
As you see, these go from bad to worse. Now I’m not grammatically perfect by any means, but I think when you are making your first impression on someone it’s probably not a bad idea to spell-check your shit, or use proper grammar, maybe forgo smiley faces, and lastly don’t write like you’re texting me.
To say the least, NO I did not respond to these people, I mean come on what they hell am I suppose to say. A word of advice to the men and women of the online dating scene…please compose yourself in the proper manner, and know that composing a thoughtful email with more than one sentence is much more appealing to the opposite sex.
Lastly, capitalize your “I”…this is proper not “i” because that just makes you look like a moron.
Just in case you are wondering, yes, I've been writing many stories about my experiences with Match...more to come!
Friday, August 26, 2011
Pt.3 To Flagstaff and Beyond (The End)
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6:00am |
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White House Ruins |
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Crystal Forest |
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Somewhere on hwy 60 |
My family….well, I just have to understand that their time on this earth is limited, and that in their mental condition that they don’t know any better. I’m trying not to let it get to me, and just go with the flow, and know that they just aren’t the same people anymore.
Relationships…I have moved on. I found my peace with the situation. Am I bitter? no. Am I hesitant about giving my heart away so easily in the future? yes. But you know what... I realized that I love to get all crazy over someone; I want a big crazy love. I will have it someday but I’m not going to rush it.
Other realizations…If I’m going to continue to live in Arizona I’m moving to Flagstaff. I can’t express enough how much I miss pine trees (or trees in general that don’t poke you). Ideally though, I want to move. I want to move around a lot. I don’t want to settle down just yet. I realized that I am capable of doing things on my own. I’ve never had a problem being alone, but in the past, I didn’t find much enjoyment in activities that were solo. I had a great time by myself. I think if anyone else was with me I wouldn’t have been able to focus quite as well. I liked my alone time, I liked not having internet, I enjoyed having little to no cell service. Lastly, I’ve always enjoyed the outdoors but have made excuses as to why I wouldn’t take the time to explore them. This I am done with. I will explore, I will hike, I will drive, I will stomp my boots all over this damn place... Plans have already been made to enjoy the landscape. After all, I’m not going to be in Arizona for the rest of my life, so I might as well take advantage of it while I’m here.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Pt.2 To Flagstaff and Beyond
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Wupatki NM |
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Sunset Crater NM |
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"Molly" |
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Pt. 1 To Flagstaff and Beyond
AC/DC –Dirty deeds (friggen rocked it through PHX)
Foo Fighters (eh, it was alright)
Golden Boots (Now here’s the stuff!)
I stood outside my yurt and took a deep breath in, this is what I had come for. The distant trees called, so I answered them. Grabbing a bottle of water, changing my shoes, I headed out to a sea of green. Two hours later I returned to find the camp had another occupant. She offers some friendly chatter and invites me to diner, I accept partially out of obligation. A strange and awkward woman she turns out to be, but then again, who am I to judge. She too, a lone woman who had a significant change in life, age, and is looking for something.
Yurt living |
what I wondered into |
Diner ends and I politely escape. Thunder pounds the sky. I choose to accept this and pour myself a cheap cup of wine. I sit in my chair, feet up, book in hand and begin to read. My brain isn’t having it, I begin to flip the pages to pictures and the map in the back. Another car approaches and so does my awkward friend. Now I find myself surrounded while busy chatter occurs. I make haste and busy myself with packing my backpack for the following days hike. This gesture signals the group to disperse. I retire to my yurt for now looking for solitude.
this is were I got my extra kick in the pants |
That's the San Francisco Peak...next time. |
Sitting on the saddle facing southwest. There's a forest fire in the distance. |
Friday, August 12, 2011
To Find Inspiration
Sometimes you need a to find inspiration in your life. This quote means a lot to me. Desire.... to long or hope for : exhibit or feel desire for: to express a wish for.
We all desire something or even someone throughout our lives, but desire is full of challenges, we need to embrace the happiness and the sadness that may come from our desires. Desire is intense, it pushes us and also makes us look stupid, but that's ok. Without desire we would loose motivation, our human spark. In those times of doubt, or even in those times I need a boost, I can look down and find inspiration.
To make this even more meaningful to me, I opted not to use a pre-manufactured font, instead, this is in my own hand (that's why it's hard to read)
Monday, August 8, 2011
Finding Truth in Self
Wish me luck.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Just Kids
I just finished reading Just Kids by Patti Smith. What a wonderful book about two amazing artists. I was introduced to Patti Smith about 6 years ago. I found her voice amazing, her lyrics heart wrenching, and an amazing poet with an amazing life. She was the lover and friend of Robert Mapplethorpe. Both their works controversial. As a fan of black and white photography, and a fan of true rock-n-roll, I absolutely fell in love with this book. It inspires not only creativity, but makes you wonder if in this time of narcissism if a true connection to another human being is really achievable. Their love and admiration for one another tugged my heartstrings in a way that I cannot explain. For those of you who appreciate art of various mediums, I hope that you will find this book as inspiring as I did.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Muir Woods National Monument
Yesterday I went to Muir Woods National Monument with my mom. This is my third trip to the woods. It was crazy busy on Saturday, didn't quite think that one through, but it was still a fun and beautiful day.
This park is very much geared towards ecotourism. So many tourists, so many screaming kids, but what was funny is that as you continued down the path, past the 1 mile mark, the less people that were there. It started to fad out to the people that actually wanted to come and hike mount Tamalpais. There were many cool trails that took you to Stinson Beach, however, my mother isn't exactly the "walking' type, so hiking up a hill for about 3 miles wasn't so appealing to her.
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Sequoia's |
The Metamorphism of the Roots |
The Ferns |
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Clovers covered with morning due |
Carlsbad Caverns

Sunday, April 10, 2011
New Vacation Plan
Well I had to use 3/4 of my vacation fund to pay-off my debt at school so that only left me about $500, which is a lot but at the same time is not. So in an effort to still get what I want, I'm devising a plan to take a week in Austin, TX and hit-up a music venue every night I'm there. I think it's a novel plan if I should say so myself. Since originally the plan was to take a month long road trip from Tucson, up through Colorado, to Chicago, New York, DC, back through Tennessee, with a final stop in Austin before heading home.
Here are some options while there:
6/5 Dillinger Four
6/6 Weezer
6/7 Little Scream
6/8 Noah and the Whale
6/9 The Gourds
6/10 Wayne "the train" Hancock
6/11 Matt & Kim / The Thermals / Autobots
6/12 Adele
6/13 Guy Clark
6/14 Widespread Panic
6/15 Hate Eternal
6/16 My Education
6/17 Two Tones of Steel
Now yes this is more than a week's worth, but I had to see which week I wanted to go.
I'm think of just camping in my car for the trip. I think it could be an amazing adventure. I don't know all of these bands so if you have any suggestions let me know. Frankly, I don't really care what type of music I just want to hear it live with good food, a cold drink, and a new friend.
Currently listening to Spoon: http://video.pbs.org/video/1609788516
The Start of a New
Dearest Blog,
How I have been neglecting you is horrible. I'm sorry.
So here we go…
I'm officially withdrawn from school. Papers signed, moneys returned, school stresses relieved. Now you might be asking yourself "why?" Well there are two reasons, two very strong and emotional reasons.
(1) Back in late February/March my grandfather was admitted to hospital. He suffers from respiratory problems and wasn't getting enough oxygen which was causing himself to be poisoned by the CO2 that wasn't escaping his blood stream. Luckily he pulled out of it, but is significantly diminished by the whole ordeal.
(2) I was doubting my potential profession. I love a lot of things about architecture, and how cool is it be asked what you do for a living and answer, "I'm an architect". But being able to say that requires a lot of sacrifices, time, passion, and commitment, being political, and of course wearing the most stylish clothes. Most of my peers dream of building these egotistical monuments to one's self, while a hand full of us actually care about what we are doing the world and the effects that "we" have on our community. However, the later is not as celebrated.
So here I was in my second semester of my third year in architecture school when I realized that this wasn't what I wanted to do. As a matter of fact, and this is kind of silly in hindsight, but on my third day of class I was working late in studio and I just broke down and cried. Now there are only a handful of people that have ever seen me cry, luckily I was by myself. My realization was sad for several reasons, but I won't go into that at this time.
With this time off I hope that I can discover more about myself and what I want to do with my life. I've been lost before and now I'm lost again and it sucks balls. I wish that my time away from school would give me more insight into myself, but for now, I feel out of control when it comes to school and having a plan. The only thing that I have realized is that we really have a limited time on this earth, and it's up to us to make the best out of it that we can. I can make a list of things I want to see and do, as I'm sure everyone has done at some point in their lives, but in the end most of those people never complete their bucket list. I'm sure it's a sad realization for people when they get to the end and realize that they never completed what they hoped to achieve. Now I'm sure that the hiccups in the road were all valuable to their lives, but I hope to find a way to have hiccups, travels, and aspirations all realized before I die. With this said, it makes me really search my soul for my calling. I will never know for sure what that is because I have a sneaky suspicion that life will interrupt or change that ideal that I have, but what I do know for sure is that I'm not going to put anything off and I'm going to take the opportunities that are placed in front of me, and I'm going to enjoy every bit of it.
Enough rambling for now. I hope to keep up this blog up with remarkable experiences, new places, and good friends.