Thursday, May 31, 2012

O Canada! From far and wide…

Summer time is among us in Arizona and with that said it’s time to leave Tucson. Oh I’ve spent many a summers here and I find them quite enjoyable and even relaxing as I struggle to breath. But alas, it is time to have a vacation, a nice long vacation.  I’ll even proclaim that I deserve it!

This summer I will be heading on a road trip to the Arctic Circle…yes, a 7630 mile roundtrip as a vacation.  Yes, for most people that wouldn’t necessarily sound like a vacation, however, for me is the best vacation idea ever. Honestly, resorts and cruises are superficial and overrated. This is exactly what my mind and body need. We have a non-stop itinerary with an assortment of hiking, canoeing, eating bear claws, wine tasting, and tracking muskoxen. Everyone seems to be a little concerned about how I’m getting there, but I keep reassuring everybody that I own a Toyota so I’m fine. (Knock on wood)

The most feared part of the trip isn’t chartering a flight to Banks Island in the Arctic Ocean in an attempt to see polar bears (before they become extinct), but rather the 457 mile gravel road known as the Dempster Highway. With a couple of extra tires and gas cans we should be fine!

Anyways…the following pictures should give you an idea of what the hell I’m doing this summer. And of course, as usual, once the trip begins you can expect a plethora of photographs from me. 
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The Dempster 

Monday, May 28, 2012

Seven months of love and fun!

I hate to be all gushy but…I just have to be a little. The past 7 months have been great because I’ve been able to spend my time with my new best friend, and of course we have been going on many adventures together. So here are a few moments to share…
Party drinky time

20's speakeasy party - this is what too much make-up looks like.

Tucson food truck round-up. Who ate more? Oh, that would be me!

Organ Pipe National Monument, desert warriors. We concur all  who challenge us! Growl. 

Twin Peaks themed party...yes, that's how cool we are. 

yay for road trips! 
ALL SOULS! once again I have a drink in my hand...what can I say.

Pimping up the Goose neck 

What's up Arches NP. We make faces at the arches...what are they going to do? Nothing!

What What! Mexican hat...or pancake rock as we referred to it.