One day you wake-up, you crawl out of bed feeling a kink in your neck, your knees are stiff from the cold air in the room, and you obnoxious barn cat is screaming at you to feed her. All of the sudden an epiphany happens. Who am I?
Suddenly, you realize that you’re 31 yrs old and really have nothing more to show for it then some awesomely cheap goods that you found at the thrift store. Student loans on a degree that you personal find no satisfaction in, are warranting your attention as graduation is closing in on you. Debt. Stupid debt. student loans, car payments, some miscellaneous charges on the credit card… what is this? Does this make me a grown-up? How did my parents ever afford to have me? Life is weird.
I question my adultness…I don’t feel like an adult. I don’t feel like a kid either. Does that make me a looser? I think society expects a lot out of people. We’ve grown-up in suburbs with two car families, both parents working, and having dinners on the couch. Now that doesn’t seem appealing to me at all. I would sooner live out of my car (if I owned it) then to live that sort of lifestyle. I’m not looking for that. I am looking for something though. Maybe it’s just security, or maybe it’s just to feel like I am an adult.
I try to place my finger on it but can’t. Is it this place?
Is it your mind melting into some gooey substance? That’s more likely the case.
Are you rambling on, and on, and on. Yep.
Should you stop before you look stupid?
Why, yes, that would be advisable.
So anyways, I own a bunch of meaningless crap that only brings me temporary happiness. My cats, well they always make me smile, and I own them, actually… they own me. Someday I’ll rid myself of my stuff, and then get some real meaningful stuff, then hopefully that stuff will make me feel more adult-like. You know, like owning a crock-pot or something.